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Dr. Grazyna Pajunen

Beauty and Health from Within, LLC
Board Certified Functional Nutritionist
Born in Warsaw, Poland, Dr. Grazyna Pajunen is a dynamic blend of academia and innovation. She holds a Master’s degree in Solid State Electronics from the Technical University in Warsaw and a Ph.D. in automatic control systems from the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. Drawn to the US for her impressive expertise, Dr. Pajunen has enriched students for over 25 years with her teachings at institutions like Florida Atlantic University and UCLA. Beyond her academic contributions, her in-depth research in her field has resulted in over 50 refereed publications. As a testament to her innovative spirit, she also collaborated with industry giants, earning her 15 US patents with Motorola.

Despite her illustrious academic and professional journey, an inner calling prompted Dr. Pajunen to pivot her focus. Captivated by the potential of holistic health and reversing the aging process, she transformed her passion into credentials by becoming a board certified functional nutritionist. Today, she co-leads a successful anti-aging venture alongside her son, a certified health coach. Together, they offer a beacon of hope to those seeking to decelerate the aging process. Their holistic approach aims to help clients avoid invasive measures, emphasizing a life free from discomfort and wrinkles without relying on medications, injections, or surgeries.

For Dr. Pajunen and her son, their mission is more than just a profession—it’s a passion, with a genuine commitment to transforming lives through health and wellness.

My Speakers Sessions

Sunday, June 23

12:00pm PDT

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